A career in Denmark

Kaiyu Xiao came to Denmark from China to do a PhD in law. Not long after her studies, she had the unique opportunity for a position in Blue World Technologies as an executive assistant, and now her position has grown into Head of Executive Office.

During Kaiyu’s PhD research at Aarhus University, she decided to settle in Denmark. She was looking for a job in the focus of her advantage areas; being a Chinese national, the Chinese language, her education in law, and not the least, her speciality in intellectual property. Those were the keywords she used searching for a job.

She had two job opportunities: either as an IPR Lawyer or as an Executive Assistant at Blue World Technologies. Due to very successful and down to earth interviews at Blue World, she decided to take the job as Executive Assistant.

“I am not the kind of person who thrives by sitting at the desk all day. I enjoy being interactive and involve myself with people and try new things. It makes me happy and inspires me. When Anders [editor. CEO] described his business trips to China, the job tasks, and the fact that I would be in the eye of the hurricane, the position really caught my interest. Now the job has exceeded my expectations 200 percent, and the most interesting thing about the job is that the days are never the same”.
Blue World Technologies employee
Kaiyu Xiao
Head of Executive Office at Blue World Technologies

As Kaiyu has competencies beyond the requirements for the position, she has been gaining more and more responsibility. She is now Head of Executive Office in Blue World and is considered personal assistant to the Chief Executive Officer. Anders has the function to manage the whole company and her task is to support him. By the Chief Executive Officer maintaining relationships with shareholders and investors, Kaiyu’s tasks are to organise investor meetings, general meetings, board meetings and company management meetings, to handle legal documents in relation to that, and to act as ad-hoc interpreter in meetings with Chinese stakeholders. Additionally, she is supporting the Commercial team with interacting with Chinese business partners, the Technology team with managing the IPR portfolio, and the PR & Communication with press release translations.

Flat company structure

One of the things that also appeals to Kaiyu, is the flat hierarchical structure in the company. She already experienced it at the interview, as Anders was an atypical Chief Executive Officer from what she had experienced before.

“The interview with Anders was so relaxed. Usually, I feel stressful during job interviews, but Anders being such a down to earth person, made me feel comfortable. By then, I was convinced that Anders was the kind of person that I would like to work with. By the end of the second interview, he offered me the job and immediately introduced me to the other co-founders, Mads Bang and Mads Friis Jensen. Mads and Mads confirmed my initial thought that Blue World Technologies was the right choice for my future career.”
Blue World Technologies employee
Kaiyu Xiao
Head of Executive Office at Blue World Technologies

Kaiyu also stated that the relaxed environment she experienced in the job interviews also represents the culture of the company – everyone is appreciated. Even though the environment is relaxed, it is not unserious. Everyone is dedicated to making the company succeed.

Kaiyu employee story

Cultural integration

Kaiyu has previously worked at other Danish companies and explained that it is not always easy to be a foreigner in a company, especially, if the company culture is not pro internationalise. Even though foreigners are often very valuable to companies, it takes a lot of fieldwork for them to test and understand what Danish colleagues are expecting of you and how you get along. She explains that you have to learn by yourself, especially with the language barriers and cultural differences when everyone else is Danish – and you have to learn their rules of how you socialise. However, she states that it is not the case when working in Blue World Technologies.

“I think it is very different at Blue World. The company has a very international profile, even though the founders are Danes, they have been doing business with the whole world. They have an understanding of cultures, and the company was already international when I started, and now more than ten different nationalities are represented.”
Blue World Technologies employee
Kaiyu Xiao
Head of Executive Office at Blue World Technologies

In Kaiyu’s daily work she is part of the administration department. Even though she is the only non-Dane in her department, she rarely notices their different cultures as the department is very open, and there is room for difference, not just cultural differences. The personal differences prevail over other differences which makes the department comfortable.

The social aspect is also an important element for Kaiyu. It is not only the work that is in focus in the company, but also that there is room for getting to know her colleagues privately. The company is very focused on the employees to have the best circumstances of getting to know each other, also across departments.

“We have very successful summer parties, Christmas lunches, and private arrangements. I appreciate those social events we manage to organise. I think it is a really good occasion and platform, where people get to know each other and connect.”
Blue World Technologies employee
Kaiyu Xiao
Head of Executive Office at Blue World Technologies