Blue World Technologies has together with scholars from the Electrochemistry Laboratory Paul Scherrer Institute, Danish Center for Energy Storage, and Laboratory for Physical Chemistry in Zurich issued a peer-reviewed article on storage technologies by flow batteries.
Besides our work with research within fuel cells, three of our highly skilled employees, Hans Aage Hjuler, Kobra Azizi, and Søren Primdahl have conducted research on flow batteries and how to make them more cost competitive. In many ways are the researched technology closely related to our work with fuel cells. Hence, the findings in this study have a correlation to our research and development at Blue World Technologies and will help support our fuel cell research and development in the future.
Jacobus C. Duburg, Kobra Azizi, Søren Primdahl, Hans Aage Hjuler, Elena Zanzola, Thomas J. Schmidt, and Lorenz Gubler.
In order to push redox flow batteries further into the market, the authors state that it is essential to include low-cost materials such as new generation membranes with low ohmic resistance, high transport selectivity, and long durability (Duburg et al. 2021).
The authors from Blue World Technologies are Kobra Azizi who is Senior Scientist, Søren Primdahl who is Head of Materials, and Hans Aage Hjuler who is Chief Scientific Officer.
If you want an interesting read of research on a new perspective of vanadium redox flow batteries with high capacity retention, then you can download their article.